Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why surgery...

Ok, so I just want to start out by saying that this is a lot of personal info, so I hope if you are visiting this page you will be respectful of our privacy and be considerate of what a private matter this is for us.

At the end of July of this year I discovered that I have a prolapse issue. Many things have contributed to this; my weight, birth of two 10 lb babies, incorrectly doing kegels, and some genetics. In May I started a rigorous workout video in effort to shed some pounds and I believe that all of the jumping jacks and running in place really gave everything a shove.

When I started exploring what options I had all I found was medical personnel telling me the only fix was a hysterectomy. Totally not what I wanted to hear as we still would like to have 1 more child. After some more asking around I realized a good friend of mine had the same issue in 2009. She did a lot of research and basically laid the path to where I am now. She found a doctor in Tennessee that does not believe that a hysterectomy is the answer every time, so my friend had a successful corrective surgery last December. She sent me all of his info and so now I am in the swing of having surgery by the same doctor.

Dr. Furr believes that he will be able to correct the issues that would keep me from carrying another possible 10 lb baby, then post-baby (another prayer request!) I will be returning to the surgical world to have everything corrected, and then about 15 years down the road I will most likely have a hysterectomy.

I will meet Dr. Furr on Monday and have hospital pre-testing. I was totally scared to go on my own (I've watched WAY too much CSI!) and so I prayed about it and asked my good friend to go with me. Those of you in MUMs will understand that this was one of those "God loves you so much, why wouldn't he allow a friend to be able to go with you?" moments. To be honest, I believe God has been guiding us through this whole journey. At the beginning I prayed that everything would go smoothly and fall into place, and it really has. That does not mean that it has not been stressful, but I believe He has made things much easier for me to handle and prepare.

Part of this stress has been numerous doctors appointments. I have been going to a physial therapist, a chiropractor, and getting massages to help with the pain this is causing me. Some mornings the pain in my lower back is so severe that I cannot get out of bed. But I have 2 boys, so I force myself and up I go. Along with the help of my husband carrying Mason and Logan around instead of me doing it and being careful about bouncing, running and lifting things have calmed a bit.

So, for now we are asking for specific prayer for safe travel for the 2 trips - me flying on my own next week ( my friend will meet me there) and then safe travel when Mike and I drive there the following week. My surgery is December 2nd and we will be updating this blog along the way. Also, my step-mom, Michell, will have our children and we will be away from them for a long time. Please pray that things will go smoothly while she has them- for them, for her and for us.

Thank you for reading and keeping up with us on this. Prayer is what we need most, but if you feel like doing more, we will be making a meal train calendar for meals in December. I know this is a busy time of year for everyone, but we would most appreciate any offer for meals or gift cards to eat as I will be on light duty for 4 weeks post-surgery.

God Bless!
Lynette and Mike


  1. Thank you so much for willing to be open to share this information today at MUMS. I wish we would have had time to pray about it then and there. Please, please, please let me know if there's any way that I can help. Honestly I'll take your boys any time it's needed(even at midnight!) You've been an awesome support for me through my tough times, it's about time that I can repay the favor! I'll be praying daily for you, Mikey and your handsome boys!

  2. Hey Lynette,
    Thanks for sharing. I'll be praying. If you or your step-mom need anything. Please let me know. You can give her my contact info. if you want so she can get ahold of me while you are gone.

  3. Trusting God with you each step of the journey...
    Thank you for sharing so openly here--now we know just what to pray for!
    Thinking of you...
