Thursday, December 9, 2010


We finally made it home last night around 9pm! It was a last minute change to plans, as we were going to stay with my parents in NE City for the night. We were glad to be home, and Mike was definitely glad to be done driving!!!
We were very thankful for the safe travel. We were stuck in St. Louis traffic for over an hour as there was a bad accident on one of the interstates and we had to re-route through town. The weather was great though and the car was fantastic.
The boys are still getting used to us again. Please pray for the transition for all of us. With my pain meds I am very sensitive to sound and most of you know that 2 little boys can create quite the ruckus.
I am feeling pretty badly today, but am glad to have my family back together to try and redirect my focus. We picked out our Christmas tree, and we are all excited to have it standing tall in our living room.
Thank you to each of you for reading this, and I will write more here and there.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Prayer Requests and Meal Train

The last 48 hours have been very rough. I started reacting to the medications and having heart palpatations, severe nausea and migraines. So I have been pretty much confined to my darkened bedroom since I am sensitive to light and sounds. Today has been a bit better, but the nausea and migraines are still lurking, and we haven't been able to go out and do much. Mike has taken very good care of me, but I know he is getting cabin fever.
Pending my early appointment tomorrow morning, we will be heading home. Please pray specifically for our journey home that it would be safe, and nausea and migraine free. Please also pray for Mike as he will have to drive the entire 900 miles home.
We would also like to ask you to take a look at our Meal Train calendar. Since we will be home this week, we were hoping to have people sign up as I will be on light duty, so Mike will be working, taking care of the boys, and cooking. We have been very blessed in the past by people's generousity by bringing us meals and we thank you for taking a look and seeing if you are able to bring us a meal during these times. We do have freezer space for frozen meals, and we are open to store boughten food, and gift certificates as well.
Thank you for keeping up with us, and for praying for us.This has been quite the journey, and I do not know how people go through such things without faith! God has been so good!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mason's 1st Birthday

In two hours, it will have been exactly 1 year ago that I woke up with contractions that continued all day and led us to the birth of Mason, our sweet smiling little baby boy! I am missing Mason and Logan so bad this morning that I cannot sleep. Skype has been an awesome thing so that I am able to see them in action, but I still want to be able to hold them, hug and kiss them. I know it is better that they are not here right now because I am in no shape to take care of them, but that doesn't make it any easier.
I called the doctor again yesterday because I had some "popping" sensations that made me super uncomfortable at first, then by the last one I felt better. He had no idea what that could have been, and said that he wasn't concerned unless the uncomfortableness worsened over time. It has not, so here we sit waiting for Tuesday morning to come so we can start rolling home. Mikey is good about reminding me that we started with 9 days and we are down to 3-4 days before we see them again.
Some praises we have are that the surgery went so well and that the doctor's seem so confident in their work that we should be able to have another baby. This was sort of the point of it all, so we ask that you pray for us in that area. We will not be trying any time soon, but I have been praying for God to prepare my womb for about 9 months now, and I believe this surgery was part of that preparation.
Another praise is that so farI have not had a reaction to any of the meds that I am on. This is a concern because I am allergic to, or have become allergic to a lot of medications in the past.
I am also thankful that my children seem to be doing well. Mich has taken good care of them and every time we talk to them they are happy. We are very thankful that Mich was willing to do this - even when she developed a cold the day we dropped them off. And we are thankful for Amy for heading down to watch the kids and give Mich a break yesterday, not just anyone would go do something like that.
God has been good to us, and we have been very blessed by actions, support and prayer. I hope each one of you has a blessed day. And if you are lucky enough to get to see my Mason today on his birthday, please give him an extra hug and kiss from his Momma.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Well, I'm not usually one to take any medications, but I'm definitely glad to be loaded up on them since this surgery! Last night I had to have Mikey call the doctor because I was restless and in a lot of pain and I just couldn't get comfortable. So around 11pm he went out and grabbed some heavy duty pain killers that also helped me sleep - thank goodness! I'm feeling okay today. I've been awake for about 3 hours and watched a movie and texted some people.
I'm going to venture out with Mikey for lunch now. Just wanted to post a quick update.
Have a good day :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day after surgery

I will be getting out of the hospital soon. I'm very tired, very sore, but doing well. One of the doctor's came in today and said everything looked good. He explained some things to us too. He said I had a grapefruit sized cyst on one of my falopian tubes that they removed and it didn't cause any damage. I have had pain there for quite some time, so it is interesting that there was really something there...not just my imagination.
The nurse's here are fantastic, and Mikey and I are the buzz of the hospital since we are from Nebraska. They seem to think that is pretty cool. When we tell them we came to see Dr. Furr, they smile and tell me what a good doctor he is, and how much everyone likes and respects him. They said he is a slower surgeon, but only because he wants it done right the first time. If he doesn't like how it looks, he'll cut the sutures and start over again, which sounds like what happened with me. Since there was so much damage, they had a hard time figuring out what to attach everything to. I also had a small hernia on my bladder, which they corrected.

That's about all for now. Thanks for checking in, and thank you for all of the warm wishes, thoughts and prayers.
Lynette :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Surgery Day Post 4

It has been a long day just sitting in the hospital waiting. The doctor final came out to talk to me after 4 hours an 45 minutes. Dr. Furr said that Lynette did great during surgery. There was more damage then he had anticipated, but he did get everything fixed. Right now she is in recovery and will be there for 45 more minutes before I can see her. Please keep praying for my wife, that she will be back up to herself shortly. Also, please pray for Logan and Mason for we are not with them. Will keep you posted on her recovery.

Surgery Day Post 3

Just got an update from the nurse. Lynette is doing good, but there was more damage than the Doctor had seen on the X-rays. Nurse said that she should be out of surgery in about an hour. More to come when I hear anything.